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Well it seems to be that time of the year again. It's planting season!!! After enjoying the fruits (and veggies haha) of my labor last year, I'm chomping at the bit to get our garden up and running. Last year was my first ever attempt at a garden and I learned a ton!
- Zuchinni is evil but yummy so plan accordingly If you remember from last year I had no idea that zuchinni becomes a massive beast dwarfing all the other plants around it. When I tried to transplant the beast into another pot it did not go quietly and my arms paid a very hefty price. This year I gave the zuchini it's own separate giant pot, away from everything else. Hopefully this saves both my arms and my sanity.
- Everybody was right about lettuce. Last year we planted way too late. Ideally lettuce should be started indoors 5-6 weeks before last frost and transplanted outside a week or two surrounding the last frost. I compromised. I planted seedlings outside a week before the last frost. We will see if not growing them indoors is detrimental to their wellbeing. I'm not sure why I resist following guidelines so much but maybe next year I will get it right!
- Gardening is wonderful and fun and I recommend it to everyone!
So, right now, I have zuchinni and lettuce planted in separate pots outside. On April 21st we will be heading to Herb Fest in Wake Forest once again to procure the rest of our plants. We had such an amazing experience at Herbfest last year that we made sure to look up the dates this year. Herbfest has a variety of organic, non GMO plants for sale and on the weekends they even have music and entertainment! That following weekend, weather permitting, I will plant everything we purchase and the tender love and care will begin. Check back in with us as I update with pictures and commentary on what is sure to be a banner year for the Cervenka/Tesch Garden.

Oh and I almost forgot to mention that this year I am volunteering with Urban Ministries by cultivating their garden. This garden helps to feed hungry families in the Raleigh area. I started last week and our garden will have peas, cucumbers, tomatoes, turnips, onions, bush beans, peppers, and okra. I'm really excited to lend a hand to this wonderful organization. They focus not only on providing food for families that have fallen on hard times, but also health care to those without insurance, and a safe place to live for struggling single women while they learn how to become self sufficient. I'll keep you posted on that garden as well.
For more pictures and updates, go to my Facebook Page.